Paragon of Sage Wealth Management is one of the leading integrated financial services providers worldwide.
We believe every investor deserves to work with a firm they can count on. At Paragon of Sage, our commitment to your satisfaction is backed by a guarantee. If for any reason you're notcompletely satisfied, we'll refund your fee or commission and work with you to make things right.¹ You won't find that kind of promise everywhere—but you will find it here.
SECURITY GUARANTEEWe cover losses in your Paragon accounts due to unauthorized activity. Plus, we help keep you secure with two-step authentication and tips on spotting scams.
EXPERT INSIGHTS TO HELP YOU INVEST.The world of investing is vast and nuanced, so we help you get your brain around it all with thousands of curated, easy-to-search articles on everything from today's market and tomorrow's forecasts to investing and tax strategies.
When people feel better about their money, good things happen – they become more confident and feel more secure. Taking away the everyday financial stress that most people experience (1 out of every 3, in fact), helps them breathe easier, sleep better, and feel happier. That's why Paragon of Sage Wealth Management exists. It's why we do what we've been doing for many years. Being a Wealth Management company means we've been there for our clients since day one — and will continue to be — because we report to them, not Wall Street. Instead of having to worry about short-term gains, we take a long-term approach – both in the way we help people plan, and in the way we do business. This has served our clients well through all kinds of economic ups and downs. Our policyowners get to be a part of our company and may benefit from annual dividends. So when we do well, you do well, too.
Whether you're still growing your wealth, planning for your retirement or looking to pass on your wealth to the next generation, a conversation with us is the first step in building your personalised wealth plan. The one financial partnership that goes beyond your portfolio. Our comprehensive approach to private wealth management will help you and your family enjoy your wealth today, and for generations to come.
We're here to help.
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